Top 10 Open Access Archeology journals of 2021


It is very important to publish a research paper in quality peer-reviewed journals. The journal in which you publish matters a lot. So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information era. So, make sure to publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this on a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here the Brainy Tux brings you the top 10 open access journals in the field of Archeology.

Trabajos de Prehistoria

ISSN: 00825638, 19883218         Publisher:CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas

Trabajos de Prehistoria is the Spanish Journal of Prehistory that appears most regularly. It has been published by the Department of Prehistory (CSIC) since its creation by Professor Dr. Martín Almagro Basch in 1960. It was a monograph series until 1968 when it was changed into the annual journal. In 1994 it became the only semestral periodical of its speciality published in the Iberian Peninsula. The first issue comes out in June and the second in December. The continuous appearance of the journal, its general scope, and the quality of its content have given it a preeminent position in Iberia and an important one on the international scene.

Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

ISSN: 07161530, 07186894         Publisher: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

The Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino is a biannual journal founded in 1985 with the central objective of publishing articles, essays and investigative reports in Spanish and English on topics of indigenous American art and symbolism, with a special focus on pre-Contact times. It is the only specialized journal of its kind in Latin America today. The journal welcomes articles, essays and investigative reports on topics related to archaeology, anthropology, rock art, visual art, history, architecture, cognition, cosmology, ecology, economics, ethnography, ideology, musicology, technology and related disciplines. In both content and graphics, submissions must have a clear and justifiable link to the journal’s central objective. Submissions that combine two or more of the above-mentioned themes are especially welcome.

Science and Technology of Archaeological Research

ISSN: 20548923          Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

STAR accepts papers utilising any of the arrays of scientific and computational techniques available to archaeologists, including, but not limited to: • Archaeological materials science • Airborne remote sensing, geophysical techniques and imaging • Artefact conservation and restoration methods • Biological and biochemical approaches • Environmental approaches • Forensic archaeology • Heritage studies and conservation methods • Mathematical modelling, computational analyses and virtual reality • Scientific dating including geochronological approaches • Spatial analysis and GIS • Underwater archaeological methods STAR incorporate a ‘Short Reports’ section, which provides rapid publication of important methodological advances. Editorial decision and publication times will be shorter for this feature.

Documenta Praehistorica

ISSN: 1408967X, 18542492         Publisher: Univerza v Ljubljani

Research papers and reports are published in the English language and worldwide distribution. They are mainly focused on: cognition and materialities of prehistoric cultures, archaeogenetic studies, palaeo- demography, population dynamics and cultural trajectories in prehistory, settlement and landscape dynamics, climate anomalies, radiocarbon dating, a palaeodietary reconstruction based on stable isotope analysis, chemistry in archaeology and palaeoenvironmental studies. Documenta Praehistorica publishes figures online in colour while the printed version is published mainly in black and white.

Open Quaternary

ISSN: 2055298X         Publisher: Ubiquity Press

Open Quaternary is an international peer-reviewed venue for contributions that consider the changing environment of the Quaternary, as well as the development of humanity. This scope is intentionally broad and covers a range of specialisms such as geomorphology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobotany, palynology, vertebrate and invertebrate palaeontology, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, biological anthropology and Palaeolithic archaeology.

Heritage Science

ISSN: 20507445         Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media

Heritage Science is an open-access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research covering: -Understanding of the manufacturing processes, provenances, and environmental contexts of material types, objects, and buildings, of cultural significance including their historical significance. -Understanding and prediction of physicochemical and biological degradation processes of cultural artefacts, including climate change, and predictive heritage studies. -Development and application of analytical and imaging methods or equipment for non-invasive, non-destructive or portable analysis of artwork and objects of cultural significance to identify component materials, degradation products and deterioration markers. -Development and application of invasive and destructive methods for understanding the provenance of objects of cultural significance. -Development and critical assessment of treatment materials and methods for artwork and objects of cultural significance. -Development and application of statistical methods and algorithms for data analysis to further understanding of culturally significant objects. -Publication of reference and corpus datasets as supplementary information to the statistical and analytical studies above. -Description of novel technologies that can assist in the understanding of cultural heritage.

Estudios Atacamenos

ISSN: 07160925, 07181043         Publisher: Universidad Catolica del Norte



ISSN: 07161182          Publisher: Universidad de Tarapaca

Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena (The Journal of Chilean Anthropology, printed ISSN 0716-1182; online ISSN 0717-7356) was founded in 1972 by the Departamento de Antropología of Universidad del Norte and has been systematically published since then. Currently, it is printed in four issues per volume annually by the Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica Chile. Chungara publishes original articles in the different fields of anthropology and other associated sciences that include cultural or social anthropology, archaeology, bioarchaeology, ethnobotany, ethnohistory, geography, geology, geoarchaeology, history, linguistics, paleoecology, semiotics, zooarchaeology, conservation of cultural materials, and museology. The geographic scope of the journal does not focus exclusively on Andean studies, as we accept manuscripts from other regions with comparative theoretical and methodological aims.

Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica

ISSN: 1804848X, 23361220         Publisher: Archaeological Centre Olomouc

The focus of Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology is the ongoing cooperation of archaeology with the natural sciences and other disciplines. The journal’s interests include bioarchaeology (archaeobotany, archaeozoology, archaeogenetics and anthropology), geoarchaeology (geochemistry, micromorphology, petrography, material analyses, environmental reconstruction), dating methods in archaeology and other fields such as computational archaeology, digital documentation etc. We publish contributions that aim to solve archaeological questions utilizing the methods of the natural sciences and other fields. The birth of IANSA reflected the growing need of scientists in Central Europe to access an international journal focused on the methods of the natural sciences and interdisciplinary cooperation in archaeology. The growth of natural science methods within archaeology has been very dynamic. It is anticipated that our target group of readers will also grow in the coming years and, along with traditional archaeological institutions, will gradually include specialized natural science institutions (natural science departments associated with archaeology focused museums, specialized laboratories, etc.) in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Virtual Archaeology Review

Publisher: Universitad Politecnica de Valencia         E-ISSN:1989-9947

Frequency: 2 issues/year         Open Access

The Virtual Archaeology Review (VAR) is an international web-based, open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its focus is a mix of arts and engineering that research on the new field of virtual archaeology. The journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing works by scholars in the fields of conservation, documentation, 3D surveying, computer science, dissemination, gaming and other similar disciplines related to heritage and archaeology.

VAR targets archaeologists, information scientists, engineers, art historians, restorers, architects and professionals linked with the use of new technologies in the field of archaeological heritage. Full original research articles are welcomed. Since March 2016, it is published biannually mainly in English, although Spanish is also accepted.

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