Top 10 Accounting Journals of 2021


It is very important to publish a research paper in quality peer-reviewed journals. The journal in which you publish matters a lot. So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information era. So, make sure to publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this on a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here the Brainy Tux brings you the top 10 open access journals in the field of Accounting.

Journal of Finance

ISSN: 00221082, 15406261        PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is one of the most widely cited academic journal on finance and one of the most widely cited journals in all of economics as well. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial institutions around the world. Published six times a year, the journal is the official publication of The American Finance Association, the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.

Review of Financial Studies

ISSN: 08939454, 14657368        PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press

The Review of Financial Studies is a major forum for the promotion and wide dissemination of significant new research in financial economics. As reflected by its broadly based editorial board, the Review balances theoretical and empirical contributions. The primary criteria for publishing a paper are its quality and importance to the field of finance, without undue regard to its technical difficulty. Finance is interpreted broadly to include the interface between finance and economics. The Review is sponsored by The Society for Financial Studies. The editors of the Review and officers of the Society are elected for limited terms.

Journal of Financial Economics

ISSN: 0304405X      PUBLISHER: Elsevier

The Journal of Financial Economics provides a specialized forum for the publication of research in the area of financial economics and the theory of the firm, placing primary emphasis on the highest quality analytical, empirical, and clinical contributions in the following major areas: capital markets, financial institutions, corporate finance, corporate governance, and the economics of organizations.

Journal of Accounting Research

ISSN: 00218456, 1475679X        PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

The Journal of Accounting Research is a general-interest accounting journal. It publishes original research in all areas of accounting and related fields that utilizes tools from basic disciplines such as economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. This research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, and field study methods and addresses economic questions, external and internal, in accounting, auditing, disclosure, financial reporting, taxation, and information as well as related fields such as corporate finance, investments, capital markets, law, contracting, and information economics.

Journal of Accounting and Economics

ISSN: 01654101        PUBLISHER: Elsevier

The Journal of Accounting and Economics encourages the application of economic theory to the explanation of accounting phenomena. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts which employ economic analyses of accounting problems. A wide range of methodologies and topics are encouraged and covered:
* The role of accounting within the firm;
* The information content and role of accounting numbers in capital markets;
* The role of accounting in financial contracts and in monitoring agency relationships;
* The determination of accounting standards;
* Government regulation of corporate disclosure and/or the Accounting profession;
* The theory of the accounting firm.

Accounting Review

ISSN: 00014826      PUBLISHER: American Accounting Association

According to the policies set by the Publications Committee (which were endorsed by the Executive Committee and were published in the Accounting Education News, June 1987), The Accounting Review “should be viewed as the premier journal for publishing articles reporting the results of accounting research and explaining and illustrating related research methodology. The scope of acceptable articles should embrace any research methodology and any accounting-related subject, as long as the articles meet the standards established for publication in the journal … No special sections should be necessary. The primary, but not exclusive, the audience should be—as it is now—academicians, graduate students, and others interested in accounting research.” The primary criterion for publication in The Accounting Review is the significance of the contribution an article makes to the literature. Topical areas of interest to the journal include accounting information systems, auditing and assurance services, financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, and all other areas of accounting, broadly defined. The journal is also open to all rigorous research methods.

Review of Finance

ISSN: 15723097, 1573692X        PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press

The Review of Finance, the official journal of the European Finance Association, aims at a wide circulation and visibility in the finance profession. The journal publishes high-quality papers in all areas of financial economics, both established and newly developing fields: Asset pricing Corporate finance Banking and market microstructure Law and finance Behavioral finance Experimental finance Review of Finance occasionally publishes special issues on timely topics, including selected papers presented at the meetings of the European Finance Association or at other selected conferences in the field.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

ISSN: 00221090, 17566916          PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press

The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA) publishes theoretical and empirical research in financial economics. Topics include corporate finance, investments, capital and security markets, and quantitative methods of particular relevance to financial researchers. With a circulation of 3000 libraries, firms, and individuals in 70 nations, the JFQA serves an international community of sophisticated finance scholars—academics and practitioners alike. The JFQA prints less than 10% of the more than 600 unsolicited manuscripts submitted annually. An intensive blind review process and exacting editorial standards contribute to the JFQA’s reputation as a top finance journal.

Review of Accounting Studies

ISSN: 13806653, 15737136        PUBLISHER: Springer New York

Review of Accounting Studies provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical, and experimental work. The journal is committed to the principle that distinctive scholarship is rigorous. While the editors encourage all forms of research, it must contribute to the discipline of accounting. Theoretical models need not speak directly to current practice, but accounting information must surface in a major way. Similarly, empirical analysis and experimental tests should relate principally to accounting issues.

Contemporary Accounting Research

ISSN: 08239150        PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell

Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR), the premiere research journal of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, publishes leading- edge research that contributes to our collective understanding of accounting’s role within organizations, markets or society. Canadian based, and global in scope, CAR seeks to reflect the worldwide intellectual diversity in accounting research. Therefore, CAR welcomes interesting and intellectually rigorous work in all topics of accounting, using any appropriate method, and based in any discipline or research tradition that can contribute to accounting knowledge.

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