Top 10 Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour And Systematics Journals


As an academic researcher, it is very important to publish a research paper in peer-reviewed journals. But the fact is the journal in which you publish matters a lot. So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information technology era. You should make sure you publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this in a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here I bring you top 10 journals in the field of Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour and Systematics.

Fungal Diversity (Springer Nature)

ISSN:1560-2745          E-ISSN:1878-9129

Fungal Diversity is an international journal that publishes papers in the field of mycology. It is related to biodiversity, and systematic and molecular phylogeny, which includes the information of novel research articles and review articles. Fungal Diversity is the official journal of Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is based in China.

Annual Review of Entomology (Annual Reviews Inc.)

ISSN:0066-4170          E-ISSN:1545-4487

The Annual Review of Entomology publish papers in the field of entomology, which covers the topic such as biochemistry and physiology, morphology and development, behaviour and neuroscience, ecology, agricultural entomology and pest management, biological control, forest entomology, pathology, vectors of plant disease, genetics, genomics, and systematics, evolution, and biogeography.

Molecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford University Press)

ISSN:0737-4038          E-ISSN:1537-1719

Evolution is the fundamental biological processes, which is important in this world to survive. Molecular Biology and Evolution includes fresh insights into the patterns and processes that affect the evolution of life at molecular levels, across a full breadth of taxonomy, genomic organization, and functions, forms, and phenotypes. It also covers our community with cutting edge evolutionary research materials that ensure the discovery of new ideas to inspire.

Abstracting and Indexing

• Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
• Agbiotech News and Information
• Agroforestry Abstracts
• Animal Breeding Abstracts
• Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
• Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index®
• Biocontrol News and Information
• Biological Abstracts
• BIOSIS Previews
• Biotechnology Citation Index®
• CAB Abstracts
• Calcium and Calcified Tissue Abstracts
• Chemical Abstracts
• Chemoreception Abstracts
• Crop Physiology Abstracts
• Current Contents® /Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences
• Current Contents® /Life Sciences
• Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
• Elsevier BIOBASE – Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS)
• Entomology Abstracts
• Excerpta Medica Abstract Journals
• Field Crop Abstracts
• Forestry Abstracts
• Genetics Abstracts
• Global Health
• Grasslands & Forage Abstracts
• Helminthology Abstracts
• Horticultural Abstracts
• Index Veterinarius
• Journal Citation Reports /Science Edition
• Maize Abstracts Online
• Nematological Abstracts
• Plant Breeding Abstracts
• Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts
• Plant Growth Regulators
• Post Harvest News and Information
• Potato Abstracts
• Poultry Abstracts
• PubMed
• Protozoological Abstracts
• Reactions Weekly
• Review of Agricultural Entomology
• Review of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
• Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
• Review of Plant Pathology
• Rice Abstracts
• Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)
• Science Citation Index®
• Soybean Abstracts
• The Standard Periodical Directory
• Tropical Diseases Bulletin
• Veterinary Bulletin
• Weed Abstracts
• Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts
• Wildlife Review
• Zoological Record

Genome Biology(Springer Nature)


Genome Biology publishes all areas of biology and biomedicine studied from a genomic and post-genomic perspective. It covers research, new methods and software tools, sequence analysis; bioinformatics; insights into molecular, cellular and organismal biology; functional genomics; epigenomics; population genomics; proteomics; comparative biology and evolution; systems and network biology; genome editing and engineering; genomics of disease; and clinical genomics.

Indexed in

• Biological Abstracts
• Citebase
• Embase
• EmBiology
• Global Health
• OAIster
• PubMed
• PubMed Central
• Science Citation Index
• Science Citation Index Expanded
• SCImago
• Scopus
• Zetoc
• Zoological Record

Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Elsevier)


Trends in Ecology & Evolution helps scientists for the new innovation and ideas towards ecology and evolutionary biology. It is important for the scientist to be aware of the research of different fields to know about the changes in the global environment and destruction. Trends in Ecology & Evolution deals with concerning organisms and their environment.

Ecology Letters(Wiley-Blackwell)


Ecology Letters publishes about the community ecology, microbial ecology, evolutionary ecology, population ecology, molecular ecology, infectious disease ecology, conservation ecology.

Abstracting and Indexing in

• Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases (CABI)
• Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
• Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)
• Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
• AgBiotech News & Information (CABI)
• AgBiotechNet (CABI)
• AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
• Agricultural & Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)
• Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
• BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
• Biocontrol News & Information (CABI)
• Biological Abstracts (Clarivate Analytics)
• Biological Science Database (ProQuest)
• BIOSIS (Clarivate Analytics)
• BIOSIS Previews (Clarivate Analytics)
• CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
• Crop Physiology Abstracts (CABI)
• Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
• Dairy Science Abstracts (CABI)
• Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database (ProQuest)
• Ecological Abstracts (Elsevier)
• Environment Index (EBSCO Publishing)
• Field Crop Abstracts (CABI)
• GEOBASE (Elsevier)
• GeoRef (AGI)
• Global Health (CABI)
• Grasslands & Forage Abstracts (CABI)
• Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)
• Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)
• InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)
• Irrigation & Drainage Abstracts (CABI)
• ISI Alerting Services
• Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)
• Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)
• Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)
• Maize Abstracts (CABI)
• Natural Science Collection (ProQuest)
• Nematological Abstracts (CABI)
• Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)
• Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series B: Livestock Feeds & Feeding (CABI)
• Ornamental Horticulture (CABI)
• Plant Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
• Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts (CABI)
• Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts (CABI)
• Potato Abstracts (CABI)
• Poultry Abstracts (CABI)
• ProQuest
• Protozoological Abstracts (CABI)
• Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)
• Review of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (CABI)
• Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology (CABI)
• Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)
• Review of Plant Pathology (CABI)
• Rice Abstracts (CABI)
• Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)
• Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
• Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
• SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest)
• SCOPUS (Elsevier)
• Seed Abstracts (CABI)
• Soils & Fertilizers Abstracts (CABI)
• Sugar Industry Abstracts (CABI)
• Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CABI)
• Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)
• Weed Abstracts (CABI)
• Wheat, Barley & Triticale Abstracts (CABI)
• World Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Abstracts (CABI)
• Zoological Record (Clarivate Analytics)

ISME Journal(Springer Nature)


The ISME Journal works for the development of diverse and integrated areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of microbial life, including bacteria, archaea, microbial eukaryotes, and viruses. It includes the topics which are mentioned below:
• Microbial population and community ecology
• Microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions
• Evolutionary genetics
• Integrated genomics and post-genomics approaches in microbial ecology
• Microbial engineering
• Geomicrobiology and microbial contributions to geochemical cycles
• Microbial ecology and functional diversity of natural habitats
• Microbial ecosystem impacts

Abstracted/indexed in:
  • Medline
  • Google Scholar
  • OCLC
  • Science Citation Index
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
  • Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences
  • Current Contents/ Life Sciences
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Summon by ProQuest
  • EBSCO Academic Search
  • PubMedCentral
  • EBCO Engineering Source
  • EBSCO Environment Complete
  • EBSCO STM Source
  • EBSCO Environment Index
  • EBSCO TOC Premier

Systematic Biology (Oxford University Press)

ISSN:1063-5157          E-ISSN:1076-836X

Systematic Biology is the bimonthly journal of the Society of Systematic Biologists. It covers the areas of phylogeny, evolution, morphology, biogeography, palaeontology, genetics, and the classification of all living things.

Abstracting and Indexing
  • Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
  • Abstracts in Anthropology
  • Agbiotech News and Information
  • Agroforestry Abstracts
  • BIOSIS Previews
  • CAB Abstracts
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • Forestry Abstracts
  • Genbank
  • Grasslands & Forage Abstracts
  • Helminthology Abstracts
  • Horticultural Abstracts
  • Index Veterinarius
  • Science Citation Index®
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)
  • PubMed
  • Protozoological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Veterinary Bulletin

Ecological Monographs (Wiley-Blackwell)


Ecological Monographs aims to publish integrative, synthetic papers that describe new ideas in the field of ecology. In this advanced scientific world – environmental change needs to be the integration of scientific ideas, data, that develops the maturing science of ecology.

Fish and Fisheries(Wiley-Blackwell)


Fish and Fisheries cover the topic of behaviour, conservation, ecology, ecosystems, evolution, fish, fisheries, genetics, modelling, molecular biology, physiology, assessment, population dynamics.

Abstracting and Indexing in

• Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
• Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)
• Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
• AgBiotech News & Information (CABI)
• AgBiotechNet (CABI)
• AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
• Agricultural & Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)
• Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
• BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
• Biological Science Database (ProQuest)
• BIOSIS Previews (Clarivate Analytics)
• CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
• Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
• Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database (ProQuest)
• Environment Index (EBSCO Publishing)
• GEOBASE (Elsevier)
• Global Health (CABI)
• Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)
• InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)
• Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)
• Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)
• Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)
• Natural Science Collection (ProQuest)
• Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)
• Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series B: Livestock Feeds & Feeding (CABI)
• ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
• ProQuest Central K-190
• Research Library (ProQuest)
• Research Library Prep (ProQuest)
• Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)
• Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
• SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest)
• SCOPUS (Elsevier)
• Soils & Fertilizers Abstracts (CABI)
• Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)
• VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)
• Weed Abstracts (CABI)
• World Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Abstracts (CABI)
• Zoological Record (Clarivate Analytics)

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