Top 10 Food Science Journals


As an academic researcher, it is very important to publish a research paper in peer-reviewed journals. But the fact is the journal in which you publish matters a lot.  So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information technology era. You should make sure you publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this in a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here I bring you top 10 journals in the field of food science.

Annual Review of Food Science And Technology (Annual Reviews Inc.)

ISSN:1941-1413 E-ISSN:1941-1421

The annual review of food science and technology, which covers the current and important growth in the field of food science and technology. The topic includes food microbiology, food-borne pathogens, and fermentation; food engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, rheology, and sensory properties; novel ingredients and nutrigenomics; emerging technologies in food processing and preservation; biotechnology applications and nanomaterials in food systems.

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety(Wiley-Blackwell)


Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS) come up with in detail explanation of a narrowly defined topics such as Chemistry, physics, engineering, microbiology, physiology, nutritional or sensory properties, Analysis, Risk analysis(Assessment, management, communication), Genetic modification, Cost, Government regulation, History of psychological aspects of foods, Food Ingredients, Food packaging, Food processing/storage, Food safety.

Trends in Food Science and Technology (Elsevier)


Trends in Food science and technology is an international journal which provides the reviews of current technology, food science and human nutrition and includes the topics of new raw materials with bioactive compounds, ingredients and technologies; molecular, micro- and macro-structure; new developments in food engineering; rapid techniques for online control; novel processing and packaging technologies; advanced biotechnological and nanoscience developments and applications in food research; risk assessment of both biological and non-biological hazards in food; food allergies and intolerances; food function and relationships between diet and disease; and consumer attitudes to food and risk assessment.

Advances in Nutrition(American Society for Nutrition)

ISSN:2161-8313          E-ISSN:2156-5376

Advances in Nutrition mainly focus on nutrition-related research efforts directed toward biochemical, molecular, and genetic studies utilizing experimental animal models, domestic animals, and human subjects. Also publishing in clinical nutrition, epidemiology and public health, and nutrition education.

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition(Taylor & Francis)

ISSN:1040-8398          E-ISSN:1549-7852

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition includes the following topics:
• Antioxidants
• Allergenicity and food colouring
• Microbiological concerns
• Flavour chemistry
• The role of nutrients and their bioavailability
• Pesticides
• Toxic chemicals and regulation
• Food and behaviour
• Effects of processing on nutrition
• Food labelling
• Functional/bioactive foods
• Diet and health.

The journal is Indexed in BIOSIS Database, CINAHL, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Chemical Abstract Service, Current Content, IndexMedicus and Ebsco.

Food Hydrocolloids (Elsevier)


Food Hydrocolloids deals with new innovative research ideas about the characterisation, properties, functionality and application of hydrocolloids in food products. It shows major interest on the following topics:

• Thermal properties including glass transitions and conformational changes
• Rheological properties including viscosity, visco elastic properties and gelation behaviour
• The influence on organoleptic properties
• Interfacial properties including stabilisation of dispersions, emulsions and foams
• Film forming properties with application to edible films and active packaging
• Encapsulation and controlled release of active compounds
• The influence on health including their role as dietary fibre
• Manipulation of hydrocolloid structure and functionality through chemical, biochemical and physical processes
• New hydrocolloids and hydrocolloid sources of commercial potential
• Chemical and physiochemical characterisation

Global Food Security(Elsevier)


Global food security aims to publish incisive reviews and prompt synthesis articles about research on the given elements of food security:
•Availability (sufficient quantity and quality)
•Access(affordability, functioning markets and policies)
•Nutrition, Safety and Sanitation
•Stability and Environment (resilience and ecosystem services)

Food Chemistry(Elsevier)

ISSN:0308-8146          E-ISSN:1873-7072

Food Chemistry provides genuine research papers which covers the advancement of chemistry and biochemistry of foods or the used analytical approaches. It includes:

  • Chemistry relating to major and minor components of food, their nutritional, physiological, sensory, flavour and microbiological aspects;
  • Bioactive constituents of foods, including antioxidants, phytochemicals, and botanicals. Data must accompany sufficient discussion to demonstrate their relevance to food and/or food chemistry;
  • Chemical and biochemical composition and structure changes in molecules induced by processing, distribution and domestic conditions;
  • Effects of processing on the composition, quality and safety of foods, other bio-based materials, by-products, and processing wastes;
  • Chemistry of food additives, contaminants, and other agro-chemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology and food fate.

Molecular Nutrition and Food Research(Wiley-Blackwell)

ISSN:1613-4125          E-ISSN:1613-4133

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research primarily focus on health, safety and molecular nutrition such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics and metabolomics which provides the detail explanation of the following topics:
• Bioactivity – Nutritional and medical effects of food constituents including bioavailability and kinetics.
• Immunology – Understanding the interactions of food and the immune system.
• Microbiology – Food spoilage, food pathogens, chemical and physical approaches of fermented foods and novel microbial processes.
• Chemistry – Isolation and analysis of bioactive food ingredients while considering environmental aspects.
Abstracting and Indexing: Science Citation Index, PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Chemical abstracts services, PASCAL

Food and Energy Security(Wiley-Blackwell)


Food and Energy Security publishes high quality and impact detail research on agricultural crop and forest productivity to develop food and energy security. Food and security is also published in partnership with the Association of Applied Biologists.

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