Top 10 Anatomy journals of 2021


It is very important to publish a research paper in quality peer-reviewed journals. The journal in which you publish matters a lot. So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information era. So, make sure to publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this on a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here the Brainy Tux brings you the top 10 journals in the field of Anatomy.

American Journal of Surgical Pathology

ISSN: 01475185, 15320979         Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.

The American Journal of Surgical Pathology has achieved worldwide recognition for its outstanding coverage of the state of the art in human surgical pathology. In each monthly issue, experts present original articles, review articles, detailed case reports, and special features, enhanced by superb illustrations. Coverage encompasses technical methods, diagnostic aids, and frozen-section diagnosis, in addition to detailed pathologic studies of a wide range of disease entities. Official Journal of The Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists and The Gastrointestinal Pathology Society.

Human Brain Mapping

ISSN: 10659471, 10970193         Publisher: Wiley-Liss Inc.

Human Brain Mapping publishes peer-reviewed basic, clinical, technical, and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. The journal features research derived from non-invasive brain imaging modalities used to explore the spatial and temporal organization of the neural systems supporting human behaviour. Imaging modalities of interest include positron emission tomography, event-related potentials, electro-and magnetoencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, and single-photon emission tomography. Brain mapping research in both normal and clinical populations is encouraged. Article formats include Research Articles, Review Articles, Clinical Case Studies, and Technique, as well as Technological Developments, Theoretical Articles, and Synthetic Reviews. Technical advances, such as novel brain imaging methods, analyses for detecting or localizing neural activity, synergistic uses of multiple imaging modalities, and strategies for the design of behavioural paradigms and neural-systems modelling are of particular interest. The journal endorses the propagation of methodological standards and encourages database development in the field of human brain mapping.

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy

ISSN: 16625129        Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A..

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research revealing important aspects of the anatomical organization of all nervous systems across all species. Specialty Chief Editor Javier DeFelipe at the Cajal Institute (CSIC) is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international experts. This multidisciplinary open-access journal is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics, clinicians and the public worldwide.

Brain Structure and Function

ISSN: 18632653, 18632661            Publisher: Springer Verlag

Brain Structure & Function publishes research that provides insight into brain structure−function relationships. Studies published here integrate data spanning from molecular, cellular, developmental, and systems architecture to the neuroanatomy of behaviour and cognitive functions. Manuscripts with a focus on the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts with a focus on diseases, animal models of diseases, or disease-related mechanisms are only considered for publication if the findings provide novel insight into the organization and mechanisms of normal brain structure and function.

Advances in Anatomic Pathology

ISSN: 10724109, 15334031       Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.

Advances in Anatomic Pathology provides targeted coverage of the key developments in anatomic and surgical pathology. It covers subjects ranging from basic morphology to the most advanced molecular biology techniques. The journal selects and efficiently communicates the most important information from recent world literature and offers invaluable assistance in managing the increasing flow of information in pathology.

Brain Topography

ISSN: 08960267, 15736792        Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.

Publishes clinical and basic research on cognitive neuroscience and functional neurophysiology Appropriate venue for case/clinical studies from one or a cohort of patients/subjects that provide insights into the neural basis of psychiatric or neurological impairment and/or the efficacy of a novel therapy Firmly established as a forum for innovative methodologies and models Publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short communications Rapid turnaround: First decisions on submissions are typically made within 7 weeks Rapid publication: Papers are published online on average 14 days after a paper’s acceptance Brain Topography publishes clinical and basic research on cognitive neuroscience and functional neurophysiology using the full range of imaging techniques including EEG, MEG, fMRI, TMS, diffusion imaging, spectroscopy, intracranial recordings, lesion studies, and related methods. Submissions combining multiple techniques are particularly encouraged, as well as reports of new and innovative methodologies. Examinations of the function of a specific brain region or regions in patients or animal models would also be appropriate, provided that they demonstrate clear relevance and applicability to humans. Brain Topography publishes full-length Original Articles, Brief Communications, Reviews, and Editorials.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ISSN: 00029483, 10968644        Publisher: Wiley-Liss Inc.

The American Journal of Physical Anthropology (AJPA) is the official journal of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. The Journal is published monthly in three quarterly volumes. In addition, two supplements appear on an annual basis, the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, which publishes major review articles, and the Annual Meeting Issue, containing the Scientific Program of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and abstracts of posters and podium presentations. The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology has its own editor, appointed by the Association, and is handled independently of the AJPA. As measured by the impact factor, the AJPA is among the top journals listed in the anthropology category by the Social Science Citation Index. The reputation of the AJPA as the leading publication in physical anthropology is built on its century-long record of publishing high-quality scientific articles on a wide range of topics.

Anatomical Sciences Education

ISSN: 19359772, 19359780       Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

The aim of this journal is to provide an international forum for the evidence-based exchange of ideas, opinions, innovations, and research on topics related to education in the anatomical sciences of gross anatomy, embryology, histology, neurosciences, biomedical, and life sciences. The journal covers all levels of anatomical sciences education including, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, nursing, allied health, veterinary, medical (both allopathic and osteopathic), and dental.

Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

ISSN: 00221554, 15515044       Publisher: Histochemical Society Inc.

Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry (JHC) has been a recognized cell biology journal for over 50 years. Published monthly, JHC emphasizes research that employs in situ evaluation of biology central to the hypothesis. The journal publishes primary research articles, timely reviews, and perspective articles on the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs, as well as mechanisms of development, differentiation, and disease. JHC also publishes new developments in specimen handling, microscopy and imaging, especially where imaging techniques complement genetic, molecular and biochemical investigations of cell and tissue function. JHC offers generous space for articles that emphasize the value of images in revealing molecular, cellular and tissue organization. Colour figures are published free. The Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry is the official journal of the Histochemical Society.

Journal of Anatomy

ISSN: 00218782, 14697580      Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Journal of Anatomy is an international peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Anatomical Society. The journal publishes original papers, invited review articles and book reviews. Its main focus is to understand anatomy through an analysis of structure, function, development and evolution. Priority will be given to studies that clearly articulate their relevance to the anatomical community. Focal areas include experimental studies, contributions based on molecular and cell biology and on the application of modern imaging techniques and papers with novel methods or synthetic perspective on an anatomical system. Studies that are essentially descriptive anatomy are appropriate only if they communicate clearly a broader functional or evolutionary significance. You must clearly state the broader implications of your work in the abstract. We particularly welcome submissions in the following areas: Cell biology and tissue architecture, Comparative functional morphology, Developmental biology, Evolutionary developmental, biology Evolutionary morphology, Functional human anatomy, Integrative vertebrate palaeontology, Methodological innovations in anatomical research, Musculoskeletal system Neuroanatomy and neurodegeneration, Significant advances in anatomical education.

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