What is Nomination in Banking? Process and Claim


The bank account opening form provides for the account holder to select a nominee. In the event of the demise of the account holder, the bank will pay the deposit amount to the nominee, without any legal formalities. The salient provisions regarding nomination facility in bank accounts are as follows:

  • Nomination can be made in favour of one person only.
  • Nomination facility is available for all kinds of bank accounts – savings, current and fixed deposit.
  • Nomination can be made only in respect of a deposit which is held in the individual capacity of the depositor and not in any representative capacity such as the holder of an office like Director of a Company, Secretary of an Association, partner of a firm and Karta of a HUF.
  • In the case of a deposit made in the name of a minor, the nomination shall be made by a person lawfully entitled to act on behalf of the minor.
  • Nomination favouring the minor is permitted on the condition that the account holder, while making the nomination, appoints another individual not being a minor, to receive the amount of the deposit on behalf of the nominee in the event of the death of the depositor during the minority of the nominee.
  • Cancellation of, or variation in, the nomination can be made at any time as long as the account is in force. While making nomination, cancellation or variation, a witness is required and the request should be signed by all account holders.
  • When the nominee makes a claim to the bank account, two documents are normally asked for:
    1. Proof of death of the depositor
    2. Identity proof of nominee
  • Payment to nominee only releases the bank from its obligation on the account. The nominee would receive the money, in trust, for the benefit of the heirs. The legal heirs of the deceased person can claim their share of the deposit proceeds from the nominee.
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