Top 10 Finance journals


As an academic researcher, it is very important to publish a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal. But the fact is the journal in which you publish matters a lot.  So-called predatory journals are increasing in this information technology era. You should make sure you publish your valuable research paper in a good journal. Reputed institutions take this in a serious note and recognise publications only when it is done in such reputed journals. Here I bring you top 10 journals in the field of finance.

Journal of Management (Sage Journals)

ISSN: 0149-2063         E-ISSN: 1557-1211

Journal of Management (JOM) peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. JOM covers domains such as business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, human resource management, organizational behaviour, organizational theory, and research methods.

Journal of Finance (Wiley-Blackwell)

ISSN: 0022-1082          E-ISSN: 1540-6261

Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on finance. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial institutions around the world. Published six times a year, the journal is the official publication of The American Finance Association, the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.

Journal of Financial Economics (Elsevier)

ISSN: 0304-405X

Journal of Financial Economics publishes applied papers and case studies since 1989. The journal provides a high-quality professional outlet for scholarly studies of actual cases, events or practice. Such phenomena provide a rich source of data that illustrate or challenge accepted theory and lead to new insights about the world. These studies currently have few professional outlets, and with this section, The Journal of Financial Economics takes a leading role in encouraging such work. Applications and case study papers are often different in form, scope and content and can be more conjectural. The papers deal with issues that are often less quantifiable, more descriptive and normative than usual. Papers that raise a new question or pose an old one in an innovative way and papers that test theories in specialized ways or document interesting phenomena which are likely to stimulate new research are emphasized.

Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press)

ISSN: 0893-9454         E-ISSN: 1465-7368

Review of Financial Studies is a major forum for the promotion and wide dissemination of significant new research in financial economics. Finance is interpreted broadly to include the interface between finance and economics. The journal is sponsored by The Society for Financial Studies.

Management Accounting Research (Elsevier)

ISSN: 1044-5005          E-ISSN: 1096-1224

Management Accounting Research aims for publishing original scholarly work in the field of management accounting. The Journal welcomes original research papers using archival, case, experimental, field, survey or any other relevant empirical method, as well as analytical modelling, framework or thought pieces, substantive review articles, and shorter papers such as comments or research notes subject to peer review. The Journal provides an international forum for the dissemination of original scholarly contributions drawing on any relevant source discipline suitable to examine and elicit novel implications for management accounting practices or systems in use in any type of organization globally.

Journal of World Business (Elsevier)

ISSN: 1090-9516

Formerly known as Columbia Journal of World Business

Journal of World Business welcomes manuscripts in the following areas: Global Political and Economic Environment; Strategic Management; Organizational Behavior; Cross-Cultural Management; Leadership; Human Resources Management; Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. While manuscripts may focus on a single country or small group of countries, all submissions should reflect some cross-border or comparative dimensions, or explore and advance other issues affecting international business, consistent with the global scope of the journal.

Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier)

ISSN: 0165-4101

Journal of Accounting and Economics encourages the application of economic theory to the explanation of accounting phenomena. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts which employ economic analyses of accounting problems. A wide range of methodologies and topics are encouraged and covered:

  • The role of accounting within the firm;
  • The information content and role of accounting numbers in capital markets;
  • The role of accounting in financial contracts and in monitoring agency relationships;
  • The determination of accounting standards;
  • Government regulation of corporate disclosure and/or the Accounting profession;
  • The theory of the accounting firm.

Journal of Accounting Research (Wiley-Blackwell)

ISSN: 0021-8456          E-ISSN: 1475-679X

Journal of Accounting Research is a general-interest accounting journal. It publishes original research in all areas of accounting that utilize tools from basic disciplines such as economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. This research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, and field study methods and addresses economic questions in accounting, auditing, taxation, and related fields such as corporate finance, investments, capital markets, law, and information economics.

Family Business Review (SAGE)

ISSN: 0894-4865          E-ISSN: 1741-6248

Family Business Review a refereed journal published quarterly since 1988, is a scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the exploration of the dynamics of family-controlled enterprise, including firms ranging in size from the very large to the relatively small.

Long Range Planning (Elsevier)

ISSN: 0024-6301         E-ISSN: 1873-1872

Long Range Planning (LRP) is a leading international journal for the field of strategic management. The journal has forged a strong reputation for publishing original research since 1968. They encourage submissions of articles that involve empirical research and theoretical articles, including studies that review and assess the current state of knowledge in important areas of strategy.

Before making the submission to any journal, I recommend you to take a look and assess a journal based on points highlighted by Think. Check. Submit. 

Read also: Top 10 Economics journals in 2018