Qualities of a Good Journal – Academic Integrity Series

Qualities of Good Journals

It’s a kind of passion for researchers and academicians to carry out research and publish it in a quality journal with good impact factor. But, this scenario does not apply to everyone who is publishing papers. There are research scholars (M.Phil, PhD or others)/academicians who publish as a requirement of their course work/credibility. So, they go for shortcuts. There are journals and publishers who publish any scrap for money.

Often researchers are deceived by false Indexedin information. The following aspects will be helpful in selecting a good journal.

Scope of Journal

A good peer-reviewed journal focuses on a particular subject area under the broad discipline. On the other hand, if you come across the scope or aim of journal stating that they publish everything in a subject. For example, Journal accepts Management, Finance, Marketing, Economics, Logistics Management, Commercial law and all part of Humanities. This sounds like a predatory journal. Keep yourself away from this kind of journals.

Indexed in the reputed directories

There are directories for journals that have a screening process before it is included in their list. Such popular directories are Scopus, DOAJ, Web of Science and etc.., Predatory journals claim their self they are indexed in any of this but actually it would be a false claim. It is always necessary to confirm if it is really listed in the directory. If a journal states it is listed in DOAJ. Go to DOAJ website and check it yourself manually.

Time to publish

Scholarly publication is not like online shopping which guarantees you delivery in a day or two policy. A good journal takes a reasonable time to give feedback on whether to accept, reject or revise the submission. I have come across journals stating “We will review in 2 days publish in 3-5 days”. This kind of statements is a clear indicator of a poor quality journal.

Quality of Published Articles

In the journal’s website, you can check the archives or past issues section and then go through the titles and full access articles to understand the quality of papers that were accepted in past.


There are journals which don’t even have ISSN number. The basic requirement for a journal is to have ISSN or e-ISSN if it is an online-only journal. Good journals have DOI for their articles. Some publisher may also use others ISSN so just google it if you think something is fishy.

There are few other aspects as well such as the quality of website, Article processing charges or Publication charges they ask. Shocking I came across a journal in 2019 which gave an offer for referrals! If you refer a person you will be given a commission for referrals. I feel it was the lowest level a publisher has gone to earn money where ethics is more important.

Give your opinion and suggestion in finding good journal in the comment section below.