Learn Data analytics using R


Learn Data analytics using R

Note: Bookmark this page, I am including more articles on each topic.

  1. Basic Syntax
  2. Manually Entering Data
  3. Statistical Hypothesis Testing
  4. Relationships
    1. Linear Relationship
    2. Non-Linear Relationship
  5. Correlation
    1. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation
    2. Spearman rho Correlation
    3. Partial Correlation
    4. Correlation and Causation
  6. Regression
    1. Linear Regression
    2. Multiple Regression
    3. Correlation and Regression
  7. Student’s T-Test
    1. Independent One-Sample T-Test
    2. Independent Two-Sample T-Test
    3. Dependent T-Test for Paired Samples
  8. ANOVA
    1. One-Way ANOVA
    2. Two-Way ANOVA
  9. Nonparametric Statistics
    1.Cohen’s Kappa
    2. Mann-Whitney U-Test
    3. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
  10. Other important tests
    1. Chi-Square Test
    2. Z-Test
    3. F-Test
    4. Factor Analysis
    5. ROC Curve Analysis
    6. Meta-Analysis
    7. Fisher’s exact test
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A.Sulthan, Ph.D.,
Author and Assistant Professor in Finance, Ardent fan of Arsenal FC. Always believe "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance - Socrates"
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