Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Victoria Park Branch, 066-128


BSB Number is a six-digit code. The format of the BSB code originally was for the first two digits to indicate the “bank” and the other four digits to specify the “branch” of that financial institution, the first digit of which was the state code indicating the state where the branch was located.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Victoria Park Branch, 066-128
Financia Institution / Bank Name Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB Name / Branch Name Victoria Park
BSB Number 066-128
FI code CBA
Address 413 Albany Highway, Victoria Park
Suburb/ Town/ City Victoria Park
State WA
Post Code 6100
Payment Systems Paper,Electronic,High,

Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) is now the regulatory body of cheque clearances and of the BSB codes in Australia. APCA assigns the bank code to a financial institution and the financial institution allocates the other digits to its branches, in line with guidelines set by APCA.

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As a client of CBA for more than 18 years I went to This branch to request Bank’s Statements days before but turned out the Statements didn’t show the Full amount of Credit Interests for the Past few years as per Records so I went back days later and just told this staff Member that my statement was printed “WRONG” before the staff access my Account Details ; He started laughing and said you do know this statement can just get on the internet RIGHT.! You do realize you can get this statement online RIGHT.! He then even asked Where and How… Read more »


The moment you realize there’s a typical tan asian Staff with an Aussie accent working in here feels He’s More Superior “Smarter” than anybody and anyone else in the World include the Customers and clients because He’s Asian but reality, He couldn’t even print a Bank Statement!!