Botswana Stock Exchange – Location, Trading hours, days and info






Trading Days

Mondays to Friday

Time Zone (GMT)

Central Africa Time (+2)

Trading hours

10:00 – 14:00

Companies listed


Market Capitalisation

374,537 million Pula



Official Page

Source: [Botswana Stock Exchange]

The Botswana Stock Exchange is established in 1989, it is known as the Botswana Share Market (BSM). The exchange was started with 5 listed companies and with a single broking firm in the market which was also charged with facilitating trading on the exchange via matching orders. As the years passed, it was clear that there is a need to separate the running of the exchange from the broking firm and this set in motion preparation for the establishment of an independent exchange. The authorities established the Botswana stock exchange (BSE) as a separate legal entity in November 1995 following the passing of the BSE Act of 1994.

The market capitalization of the BSE grew from 254 million pula in 1989 to 182 126.60 in 2002 and 534 184.66 million pula as at end of 2006.The number of securities (shares and fixed income) listed in the BSE rose from 5 in 1989 to 44 as of 2004 and to 56 in 2006 for the sake of consistency, can we use just the year or year and month for all if we are using the same period just different years. The Botswana Stock Exchange is Botswana’s national stock exchange given the responsibility to operate and regulate the equities and fixed interest securities market. BSE is the third largest stock exchange in terms of market capitalization, in Southern Africa.

Current Products

  • Equities (Found in the Domestic, Foreign and Venture Boards)
  • Corporate Bond
  • Government bonds
  • Commercial Paper
  • Products been developed:
  • Exchange Traded Products (ETFs)
  • Securitised Products
  • Derivatives
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